
I find my inspiration in everything and everywhere.
I decided to start a blog after listening to a TED talk about the Danger of Silence by Clint Smith. One of the things he said that stills resonates between my ears was that we should always talk like we have a microphone underneath our lips… so I decided to write from the heart, no filters. I might suffer the consequences later on, but at least I know I’ve said what I wanted, when I needed it to be said and not a moment later.
We’re all in “danger” of being the occasional jerk, simply because you can’t please every opinion or belief.
I will try to be impartial and do my best to remain true to myself, exposing the best and worst of me.

If for some reason you don’t agree with some of the things I write, I’d love to know why. This is my way of learning how to be more human: to listen.

4 thoughts on “About

  1. I can’t wait to read what else you have to say. I started blogging to get all of my words out too. My one friend can’t handle them all đŸ™‚


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